When you start, he asks, "What's going on"? It seems such a simple beginning, yet this is the time where the focus is created and the levels of permission are “granted.”

The fastest, most elegant way to work with Erwin is to be real. In real time, in real feelings. If there is laughter, let there be laughter. If there are tears, let them flow. By dropping masks as much as possible, you will move more rapidly, more elegantly.

Erwin 'sees' on levels of reality like few I've worked with. Way beyond anyone I've ever worked with before, (and I've worked with some great folks). Different than psychics or psychologists, he's gifted and has focused to develop those gifts. Magical, yet pragmatic…

Erwin doesn't read in the way a soothsayer reads. In a combination of conscious and unconscious creating, he is profoundly respectful of your choices. He's also profoundly respectful of the fact that only by making our own choices – will we be empowered to change.

At the same time, do not look to him to save you. He's your guide on this journey, not your savior. In the act of someone saving us, we give up our power, our response-ability, our own actions and choices, preferences, and beliefs.

And, of course, the only great guide is one who leaves us knowing how to guide ourselves.

— Modified from the original by PAUL SALTZMAN / Filmmaker


A session is a time to look behind the scenes of what’s going on…which part of ‘the matrix of you’ seems most at play. Perhaps it’s something from childhood, perhaps from another life, or perhaps it’s something from your Future Self that has come into play and is forcing these issues to the forefront to be healed.

It’s a complex tapestry, and Erwin has been working for decades to allow the most appropriate keystones of what needs to come into play now. There is no way to predict how a session might unfold, as each time it is a living tapestry of multi-dimensional communication.

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EP is available for a limited number of private sessions. If you wish to book a session, please email erwin@theepmaterial.com to schedule a time. Please only use this address for scheduling. All other inquires to info@theepmaterial.com