NEWEST RELEASE! Now available online
Your Future Calls: New Love and New Will…Healing Choice
Beyond the Healing of what has been Broken or Lost, comes a healing of what has never been.
The words may seem deceptively simple - Love and Will. Yet in many ways, these form the core of feminine and masculine energy.
A new octave of love - the love of your Higher Self and Soul. The love of God and Goddess. A love that is the greatest awareness, the greatest understanding, the greatest intelligence.
This is a day of ritual - to be touched by such love … and from this perspective, to begin to heal the masculine energy of Will. Not only what has been lost and broken, but to a new state, a new union that has not been.
This is a time to touch and be touched, beyond words of explanation, to allow a new octave of love and will to begin to re-empower choice.
Healing Creativity, A Deep Dive
For many years, leaders have been taught to manage for predictability. They have learned to study the data of the past in an attempt to predict the future.
“We can’t solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them.” — Albert Einstein
In an ever changing and evolving world this methodology has become less and less effective, today stability equals adaptability, innovation, and new vision.
The problem is that many leaders want change without having to be the ones doing the changing. Leaders need to embody this vision and use this perspective to inform the systems they design and the solutions they create.
HEALING: The mending / fixing and re-joining what has been lost or broken…ALSO…the joining what has never been put together before.
CREATIVITY: A synergistic alchemy of thinking/ feeling and spirit that invokes, allows, and receives what has never been.
Beyond artistic pursuit, Creativity has always been a part of every scientific advancement and innovative achievement…every real love story…even nature itself.
Now perhaps more than ever in the dissolution of the old structures of the world, creativity becomes essential to the re-inventing and re-imagining the new world. Essential to the Soul and Spirit of each person.
This is a very personal journey –- a healing intended to touch your Soul; your Spirit; and begin to open portals of expanded imagination and creativity. Your imagination and your creativity. To help you step beyond the set in which you currently exist to gain a clearer view and perspective of that set.
Upon this journey you will encounter an aspect of yourself often called the Magical Child - an aspect that in some ways existed in young life. BUT…who you will encounter is much more than a young self…it's a living aspect of Soul that enters each lifetime.
This unencumbered vision can be a key to untangling the emotional and mental pattering of the past and therefore become a portal to new vision and creativity.
Through a series of meditative journeys – this aspect of Soul, this Magical Child – can be reunited and a new Future this union represents, can be discovered.
Stepping Deeper: Greater Intimacy with your Soul
As the chaos and confusion in the world continues, and the realization that the Old World is crumbling furthers…
It’s time to step deeper, to engage the immortal of You – your Soul – to begin allowing in ways previously beyond your belief…to allow yourself to be found, and unite with a Future that is seeking you.
It will be a full day of talking, blending, and ritual meditations to help shift your resonance, to begin to receive not only in new ways, but in ways that you alone cannot.
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Healing with Your Future Self
The old Structures Crumbling to Make Way for the New – a concept talked about for decades – now takes on a new level of immediacy and relevance.
It is becoming more and more evident, that the “Old World” as it has been known, not only won’t be returned to, it cannot be returned to.
A realization that can be both exhilarating and frightening…
In this day-long experience, it's a time to connect with both healing of the past, and engaging with what has never been. A future waiting to be both created and received.
A part of this future is an evolving Earth and levels of healing never before possible. The Earth’s consciousness is evolving and Your consciousness is evolving – creating a new synergy / a new alignment.
It’s a time to heal, and a time to be lifted and embraced by a Future Self beyond your current perception. A time to find, and a time to be found.
Blending meditations, Ritual Meditations, all a part of opening the portals to the more real of yourself and where you are going.
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Healing Creativity: A Lost Aspect of Soul / Zoom Workshop
In these changing times with great chaos, confusion, and pain…perhaps it’s time to take a step deeper to recover some of what’s been lost and missing, and to unite with aspects of Soul never fully realized. Perhaps it’s time to take a step deeper to rekindle inner resources that have never been, creating a new lens in a world crumbling and becoming new.
Deep within Consciousness is a living aspect of Soul...born newly into each lifetime with its wonder, innocence, and connection to the Divine.
This aspect of Self…sometimes called the Magical Child…is so much more than a young Self…it's a living aspect of Soul. In the consensus reality, it becomes lost or separated – for some, as quickly as a day. For others, 3 or 4 years into life.
In a series of meditative journeys…into the Underworld and into the Temple of the Soul…this aspect of Soul, this Magical Child, can be reunited and a new Future this union represents, can be found. Unknown aspects of creativity can be healed and ignited…new levels of love can be awakened. These weekends are immersive experiences. On Saturday, Erwin teaches and takes the group on guided ritual meditative journeys. A guided ritual meditation is distinguished by using a language that speaks to the unconscious mind, as well as the conscious…allowing deep movements of energy and choice.
Sunday is a day of integration, unfolding Saturday’s rituals. Erwin discusses what happened on Saturday and interacts with people in the group. This is done with great care and understanding and only for those who wish to participate. Additionally, there are new meditations that further integration as well as a glimpse of what your evolving self looks like.
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